Where the Healing Starts...
Once upon a time I regularly cleared my schedule, found a quiet space, and drew healing art pieces that reflected the wheels turning in my mind and my heart’s cry.
Promises for a Woman Who Walks With God
A promise’s value and worth lies somewhere within the promise itself and the one who makes it. Some are better than others.
Favorite Things: Faith
Faith can be as easy as sitting in a chair, knowing it will hold the weight; but it can seem as complex as stepping out of the boat onto the waves driven by strong winds (Matthew 14:21-33).
We Need a Hero...
As I think about my life, I’m ever grateful for the hero in the story. When I was young, I watched The Adventures of Letterman on television. He was a cartoon, but he saved the day nonetheless!

The Road to Relationship
The toughest journey you’ll ever love.
Embracing and leaning into your stories can change your life in amazing ways.

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