Memories at the Bus Stop
Every day of the school year my older sisters walked down the street to the corner where the yellow bus rumbled and roared up the hill, screeching to a stop. Sometimes Mommy and I walked down our street on warm, sunny days to watch them go.
Paradigm: the Shift
Worldview. It's how I see, read, and understand my world. It's the lenses I look through, and like most people, I don't realize I'm wearing them.
Please, Fence Me In!
For me, the title is the neat, welcoming picket fence that defines my boundaries. When I'm drafting the gate is open to almost any and all words, but eventually some of those words are shown the sidewalk …
Memories: Papa and Teddy Bear Love
My grandfather had a gentle heart, patient Southern drawl, and slow-moving ways. Mommy’s daddy towered over everybody, and his lanky, six-foot-eight frame ducked through doorways…
A Tree in a Forest...
If an author crafted thoughtful paragraphs and no one's eyes found the web page to take them in...
Water, Water, Everywhere...
I was thinking about water—different kinds of water. Water can be completely still in stagnant puddles. It can be strong and forceful in the motion of white-capped waves.
The Road to Relationship
The toughest journey you’ll ever love.
Embracing and leaning into your stories can change your life in amazing ways.
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