The Road Home for the Holidays

As I write this, it's the eve of the crazy-busy culinary race. Some are making last trips to the store to grab forgotten ingredients for the recipe that makes the "perfect Thanksgiving." A few tumble into bed after the long day of food prep. Turkeys everywhere are ready for the overnight oven roast or the fryer. The Butterball hotline is answering questions for rookies all over the country. For those of you who are hosting, I'm praying for you!

I'm the culinarily challenged one who brings easy stuff or helps the sister who knows what she's doing. I'm the "other people," the one driving. We're on the road home for the holidays most years.

I'm thankful to visit family. Visiting with the inlaws can be a lot of fun. My family has moved and scattered a bit throughout the state, the country, and now the world, so we don't gather as often. I look forward to the opportunities we have.

I don't know what you're experience of family is. I know some of us have larger families, and some of us feel more alone. Thanksgiving with family or a Friendsgiving celebration, many of us have the chance to gather, and it’s beautiful.

As you spent time with family this Thanksgiving, what did you look forward to most? Maybe it was the turkey, the potatoes, or dessert. It might have been seeing the people you don’t always have the opportunity to see.

Did you take the opportunity to lean in and embrace the chance to connect with family members? Was it joy-filled, refreshing, and easy? Or was it difficult and draining? That’s the reality of the family we’ve been born into.

Here’s your challenge in each celebration in the season:

Pause to listen to others’ stories.

Reflect on the best way to show kindness and love to your family.

Connect with family in a way that honors your own story and theirs. Try serving them well, if you can.

What do you think of that?


A Tale of Two Invitations (2)


A Tale of Two Invitations (1)