The Why Cry: What's Your Why?
Writers write. It’s not rocketry science, but there’s a "why cry" deep in the soul driving the process. I've been thinking about the reasons that propel us in writing and sharing story. And this is what I've come up with. (I'd love to hear yours!)
Why do you write? You might relate to one of these:
“The creative gene in my DNA has to be expressed.”
This writer might wear her heart on her sleeve and can't resist the emotional flow toward the keyboard or the page. True creatives simply have to move the thoughts, feelings, and fabulous turns of phrases to the page. Resisting is futile. If you're this writer, you know it. Words pile up in your mind and react to one another. When the creative writer goes too long between pieces, everything gets a little angsty.
It's not surprising the creative why exists. If it's true we are made in the image of One who creates, then we get this desire from the One who made us. Creatives lean into freedom through writing, and the best connection with God and others might take place when the art and emotion on the page is believable and relatable. Some may argue with "believable" art, but the too-far-fetched piece may cause confusion, unless you've got Lewis Carroll, Jabberwocky, skill set.
“I’ve got truth to deliver.”
This writer fits in the category of a messenger. The words, wherever they come from, simply have to be delivered to the audience. I imagine this writer as a truth-teller holding out a package and saying, “I made this for you, friend.”
The package may be a non-fiction story with powerful impact, or it may be honest, real content the writer feels the reader must know. If you’re this writer, one big difference will be voice. Some speak gently, but the truth can't be compromised, and can lead to a forceful writing style. The origin and ownership of the package makes a difference, too. Just passing something along is nothing like delivering deeper heart conviction on the page.
Thoughts have consequences, in my opinion. A creative messenger has freedom with her story content, but she considers her message and the direction she leads her reader. A non-fiction messenger shoulders the responsibility of delivering the best, truthful content possible. Choose to corroborate with reliable, truthful sources, too.
Readers ought to consider the source when reading this writer’s work. Intelligent readers evaluate the message for validity and destination. Just because a writer believes it with all her heart, doesn't make it so.
“I know something you should know.”
This writer is a teacher whose work reveals her whole being simply must lead her reader through a learning process. A teacher’s gotta teach, you know? She wants to unveil something to the reader, something they don’t know but should. That's how she’s wired, and this kind of writing can stretch across every subject and genre. This why may be the most obvious when it hits the page.
If you are this writer, you may find your pieces explain complex concepts in simpler terms. The best teacher presents information in a way that can be followed and understood. If resources were important to some messengers, they are more critical for these writers. The voice is often encouraging, rather than condescending, as educating takes place; but occasionally this author chooses a stern, curmudgeonly character and tone.
I can't encourage the research enough for this writer. Teachers hold a unique position of influence, and it's of utmost importance the information is vetted for truth and validity. The best teachers vet their information for truth and integrity before it ever reaches the student-reader.*
It's a reader's responsibility to know the authors they read and the worldviws put forward. Any “healing processes” or theology offered should be checked against the truth of multiple professional sources or Scripture. Just sayin’.
“It's really all about me."
The reality is, writing can be a bit of a guilty pleasure or a selfish endeavor. For this writer, the work is recreational or for a specific self-guided purpose. She might never intend to reach an audience. She doesn’t write for a specific reader of a particular age, gender, or interest. She writes for herself, and may not consider herself a writer at all.
If you are this writer, acknowledge who you are, a "recreational writer," and be who you are. If you start here and remain here (and you're okay with that), enjoy the freedom to put words on the page. No pressure.
Can I encourage you in your recreation? Write honestly. Pick up new tools in your writing toolbox and try them out. Take chances. Enjoy the learning curve in mistakes. See if you might be, deep down, a “real writer” who hasn't blossomed yet. Why would I say that? Because millions of people say, "One day I'll be a writer..." What if your journey started today?**
Others have written on this kind of thing. I thought I’d explore my over-simplified experience with the writing whys. Seriously, though—let’s find our whys! The words are waiting and they have purpose. Your voice needs to be heard. Will you step into your writing journey?
Thanks for reading!
*Side note: This is the space in which I live. My story is the truth of my life’s big events, but if I wish it to be redeemed and used for the blessing of others, I need to be very sure any process suggested is truthful, helpful, integrity-filled, necessary, and kind. Yeah, I’m doing some thinking…
**All that said, in some cases, the content may be a cathartic process initially and intentionally—and that’s okay!—it just might not be ready for an audience. Studies show journaling through difficult events can be beneficial to the healing process. (Search “healing trauma through expressive writing.”) Deeper healing honestly requires more and different work, but writing is a critical key to so many painful life experiences.