Your Story: It's a Gift
Have you landed in a trap? When you create, does the emotionally-charged treadmill start up and keep rolling? It makes sense, really.
The Why Cry: What's Your Why?
Writers write. It’s not rocketry science, but there’s a "why cry" deep in the soul driving the process. I've been thinking about the reasons that propel us…
Leaning In: Restarting Relationships (Part 3)
We’re in relational meltdown. “Nuclear meltdown is an accident resulting from severe heating and a lack of sufficient cooling at the reactor core” (
Leaning In: Restarting Relationships (Part 2)
It’s not lost on me; the tone of quarantine, cancel culture, and the social tension feels like one word: hate. Hate fuels a deadly undertow and characterizes the way people may generally feel…
Leaning In: Restarting Relationships (Part 1)
I thought it would be two weeks or a month. Then the reality of the long haul settled in. Each day felt heavier. Comfortable rhythms of life crumbled, and then I couldn’t find them anywhere.
Heart Work is Hard Work. Hang in There!
I had never given blood; my heart pounded at the thought. It sounded simple. A little story and some deeper thoughts on trauma here…
The Road to Relationship
The toughest journey you’ll ever love.
Embracing and leaning into your stories can change your life in amazing ways.
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